We should ask ourselves, “What would be most helpful for students? ”

  • A highly qualified teacher in every classroom – Recruit, Retain, Reward!

  • Smaller class sizes – higher student achievement, increased teacher retention, better classroom environment and relationships.

  • Increase pay for support staff – specifically, our instructional assistants, food service workers, custodians, and bus drivers deserve better pay.

I would also advocate for the following:

Show me your checkbook and I’ll show you your priorities.

The Budget:

We need to be budgeting for student and staff needs and actual expenses only. Don’t raise millage when we have millions in surplus every year!  An accurate budget can allow for increasing staff pay without raising millage. I will review financials with a fine-tooth comb and alert the public of concerning expenses.  Staff recruitment and retention is a high priority as this is key to student achievement and outcomes. I will work to ensure fairness of funding and resources across schools in the district. Lexington One does not have a funding problem – we have a spending problem.

Everything is tied to funding – classroom size, salaries, facilities, student meals, etc. It is clear where the current board’s priorities are - over the last several years, district office employees were given raises ranging from several thousand to tens of thousands of dollars. After June, when teacher scales of surrounding districts were published, the board realized they were the only Midlands district paying the minimum required salary ($47,000). Only then did the board decide to increase certified staff and licensed professional pay, however we also need to pay livable wage to food service workers, custodians, instructional assistants, and others who play a major role in influencing our students and shaping the learning environment of our schools.

Learning on a full stomach – Offer no cost meals to all students through the federal meal program as required in a state budget proviso, except our board claims this would be a “financial hardship”, despite raising taxes when we have a surplus of millions of dollars each year.  Feed the kids so they can focus.  Research supports this.

Hire an internal auditor that reports directly to the board, followed by a forensic audit. You cannot audit your own work without a conflict of interest. Based on what little financial information the board receives, they cannot assure the public that they are being good stewards of our money.  The community has rightfully lost its trust in the school board.

Policies and Governance:

Setting policy that reflects the educational values of our district and the issues occurring in our schools. In order to understand the issues, board members have to spend time in the schools. Policies supporting a safe learning environment for students and a safe working environment for staff need to be prioritized and enforced. Teachers need support from administrators, but administrators must have support from the district office.

Bring back the Ad Hoc Policy Committee to review and revise policies. This committee was dissolved after the 2022 election. Although setting policy is one of the main functions of the board, they designated policy revision to district administration. It is a great idea to ask for input from the district as the board crafts policy, but this is like a boss asking their employees to make the rules at work.

We have policies from the 1980s. Lexington One should not rely solely on draft policies from the SC School Boards Association, who provides model policies that conflict with state laws. The board should be proactive in revising and creating their own policies. We could have already had policies for new legislation if this board was doing their job like boards in other districts, instead of playing follow the leader.

Hire and Evaluate the Superintendent:

The superintendent receives an annual review by the school board.  It is the board’s job to fairly assess and change course if needed.  The board hires the superintendent who runs the daily operations of the district.  Quality leadership produces quality education for our students and better staff retention.

This school year, Lexington One has a Superintendent and a Superintendent-Elect. The school board approved the hiring of an additional superintendent and now the district is paying close to $500,000.00 in salary.


I will advocate for students and staff. They need someone to voice their concerns without fear of retaliation.  Stakeholders deserve responses to calls and emails from individual board members. I will serve the community through proper policy, fiscal transparency, and responsibility, all while keeping the citizens informed so that they are able to provide input and feedback. I will follow up with citizens that take the time to speak during board meetings.